"Sapiens" is an installation which is not conceived to be visited but to get visitors lost.

It indeed explores the mythological theme of the labyrinth from which one cannot escape and which shelters unspeakable secrets. It takes here the shape of a network of inhospitable and uniform galleries textured with fractals, to which the verticality adds a crushing dimension.

Limited universe, locked like a prison;

Maze of interconnected passages similar to a brain where the thoughts turn in a loop without any solution;

Structure with inhuman size where the visitors face indecision, loss of marks, solitude;

Twofold architecture, the only alternative of which is a second entangled labyrinth of empty spaces jammed with the vain traffic of an hectic anonymous fleet;

this metaphoric build has nevertheless an exit, which the visitor is invited to look for and which will explain its title.


Overall, the installation contains 40 high-resolution fractal frames, each one made of 18 plates carefully joined. They approach 4 themes which mirror the characteristics of the hosting build, and try to emphasize them :

- technology

- maze

- darkness

- confinement

Spread here and there in the tunnels, they will be met all along the exploration. Some of them might be seen several times, others might never be found. But at the very end of the visit, a complete catalog would enable visitors to watch the missed ones.

How to visit 

Follow the information about settings to make the best possible visit :

- graphics « High » or "Ultra" 

- Advanced Lighting Model : On (graphic option to be checked in graphic preferences)

- Windlight : Region default ( EUPHORIA low saturation) but one can test any other

- Particles maximum if possible and in any case 4000 at least

- Draw distance : 500 m

Double click to reposition if so you wish

Inside the galleries :

- If you have time, walk or run, but do not fly. Use the lifts (at every crossroad) to change floor (they go up and down automatically but slowly, be patient). Discover the fractals along the visit.

- If you have less time, or if you are less patient, fly also, but without knocking your head against the lifts or the passageways. 

Outside the galleries 

- Fly, otherwise you would fall down ... Don't be afraid of the blind shuttles, they are phantom


I recommend to listen to the streaming music, 22 minutes continuously  looping, with the following records :

- I can see you (Prowler Music)

- Replicant (Sync24)

- M83 - Starwaves (from Oblivion OST)

- A new face (Jerry Glodsmith from Alien OST)

- The martyred (Most Epic Music)

- Never Surrender (Brand X Music)

- Homeobox (01-N)

- Interstellar (Groove Addicts)

Enjoy the visit until the end.

