Na ilha da Sardenha, encontra-se um grande número de cavernas e praias, algumas ilhas podem ser visitadas de barco, outros em barcos para alugar, bem como outras que são acessíveis através dos famosos spaguetti Boats, muito típico nas zonas costeiras. Pode apanhar um barco para ir para uma ilha e, por vezes, pára para desfrutar o sol, o mar e dar um mergulho refrescante.
A cidade de Alghero, fundada no século x, respira um ritmo de vida sossegado e tranquilo. Andar pelo passeio junto às muralhas que a separam do mar e passear pelo bairro antigo levar-nos-á meio dia. Recomenda-se uma visita à Catedral de Santa Maria e à Igreja de São Francisco, exemplos da arquitectura gótico-catalã.
A 100 quilómetros de Cagliari, as ruínas da cidade púnico-romana de Tharros constituem um dos enclaves arqueológicos mais interessantes da ilha. Com um encanto e uma vivacidade únicos, a ilha da Sardenha é um dos destinos mais requisitados do Mediterrâneo. Considerada pelos italianos como um dos melhores lugares para se ir de férias, está rodeada de praias magníficas, a que se alia um fantástico clima mediterrâneo, com Primaveras e Outono amenos, Verões quentes e Inversos suaves.
On the island of Sardinia is a large number of caves and beaches, some islands can be visited by boat, other boats for rent as well as others that are accessible through the famous spaghetti Boats, very typical in coastal areas. You can take a boat to go to an island and sometimes stops to enjoy the sun, sea and take a refreshing dip.
The town of Alghero, founded in the tenth century, breathes a quiet pace of life and peaceful. Walking along the sidewalk next to the walls that separate the sea and stroll through the old quarter lead us to noon. We recommend a visit to the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Francis Church, examples of Catalan Gothic architecture-.
The 100 kilometers from Cagliari, the ruins of the Punic-Roman city of Tharros constitute one of the most interesting archaeological enclaves on the island.
With a unique charm and vivacity, the island of Sardinia is one of the most sought after destinations in the Mediterranean. Considered by Italians as one of the best places to go on vacation, it is surrounded by magnificent beaches, which joins a fantastic Mediterranean climate, with mild spring and autumn, hot summers and mild Inverse.
The town of Alghero, founded in the tenth century, breathes a quiet pace of life and peaceful. Walking along the sidewalk next to the walls that separate the sea and stroll through the old quarter lead us to noon. We recommend a visit to the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Francis Church, examples of Catalan Gothic architecture-.
The 100 kilometers from Cagliari, the ruins of the Punic-Roman city of Tharros constitute one of the most interesting archaeological enclaves on the island.
With a unique charm and vivacity, the island of Sardinia is one of the most sought after destinations in the Mediterranean. Considered by Italians as one of the best places to go on vacation, it is surrounded by magnificent beaches, which joins a fantastic Mediterranean climate, with mild spring and autumn, hot summers and mild Inverse.
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